
YPFP 20th Anniversary Celebration
Join us for a momentous celebration honoring twenty remarkable years, as well as the exciting next twenty years, dedicated to fostering and building the next generation of brilliant, diverse foreign policy leaders who will shape our world.

FINSalon February 2024: AI & Federal Jobs
Artificial intelligence is nothing new. But mainstream AI integrated into all parts of our day? Now that's an adjustment. Join us as we delve into the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and its impact on federal jobs.
From addressing skills gaps to fostering collaboration between humans and AI systems, our expert panelists are at the forefront of navigating these challenges. Together, we'll explore strategies for creating training and reskilling programs, finding the right balance in human-AI collaboration, and understanding when AI may not be the optimal solution.
Whether you're a regular at FIN events or this is your first time, salons are a low-key and welcoming place to sharpen your skills and learn about what's shaking elsewhere in the government (and government-adjacent industries).
Open to the FIN community, RSVP required. The event will not be recorded.
RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fin-feb-salon-how-will-federal-jobs-change-with-ai-tickets-838984664717

World Wide Climate Justice Education Week
Sign up here.
We have just experienced the hottest year in human history with more to come. As global leaders, we each have obligations to learn about the climate crisis and educate others about how to move from climate despair to climate repair.
Bard College invites all Globally community members to learn about Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week, (April 1-8 2024). Over the past two years we have catalyzed over 600 events in more than 70 countries reaching around 100,000 people. Organizers come from academia, K-12 education, NGOs and community groups and faith communities. Join us to find out how you can be involved.
For a preview, watch our 3 minute video Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week 2024 - YouTube
David E. Blockstein, Ph.D., Climate Education Week Co-Director and Advisor to Globally's Emerging Leaders in Climate Action, will give a brief summary of the global climate situation, present Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week and opportunities for participation. We will also discuss opportunities to expand Globally's work on climate justice and solutions.

DEF 2023 Conference
By invitation only: Explore evolving approaches to readiness and deterrence, focusing on people and the criticality of informal relationships and networks in the NatSec community.

ELCA Summit
Convening our ELCA cohort for a final time to mark the completion of this program. Participants can connect with leaders and mentors that have helped them along the way, as well as build on the relationships they’ve developed with one another. During this event, participants will present their final policy proposals that will open avenues of informal dialogue throughout the evening with esteemed guests.

Globally Gala 2023
Prepare to be transported to Italy as we celebrate the achievements of Globally over the last two years. The evening promises an unmatched fusion of entertainment, a celebration of impact, and the camaraderie of our mission-driven community.

US-ASEAN Futures Symposium
The US-ASEAN Futures Symposium is a consultation platform for youth from the United States and ASEAN Member States to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue.

Emerging Leaders for Climate Action - A Youth-Led Discourse
Join us and our partners, the UAE Embassy in Washington, DC, hearing from with a variety of young leaders from our own #EmergingLeadersForClimateAction, the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy, and the Climate Cardinals, and others around the world about their perspectives on what we should be focusing on when addressing global climate challenges in the fields of adaptation, mitigation, loss & damage, finance, and diplomacy.
USCF: China Communique - Roundtable Discussion
Join us for our second roundtable discussion. Topic contingent upon recent events.
USCF: A Discussion with Ryan Hass
We are excited to feature Ryan Hass as our guest speaker for this convening. As emerging leaders, he will want to hear your thoughts! He will also his discuss new book, Stronger: Adapting America’s China Strategy in an Age of Competitive Interdependence, and his government experience with us. Please RSVP and see you there!
Ryan Hass is the Michael H. Armacost Chair at the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institute, a senior advisor at the Scowcroft Group and McLarty Associates, and the China Director at the National Security Council during the second Obama administration.
Ryan’s new book, Stronger: Adapting America’s China Strategy in an Age of Competitive Interdependence, lays out a great approach to right-sizing the challenges that China poses in the decades ahead and identifies a set of sensible U.S. responses: running faster instead of trying to trip the other guy, regaining confidence, avoiding declinism and defeatism, and not turning China into an enemy.
Best Practices for Open Source Chinese Language Research
Open-source Chinese language research is core to understanding Chinese government, industry, and social perspectives. However, maintaining records of those sources and staying on top of potential data sources is an ongoing challenge.
Emily Weinstein, research analyst at CSET, and Dr. Tai Ming Cheung, director of the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation at UCSD, will open the discussion, sharing their best practices for conducting open source language research for the first 20 minutes. The discussion will then open to the wider USCF participants to share their insights on best sources, research methods, etc.

Ambassador Series: EU Delegation to Philippines

EURAXESS: Research Opportunities in Europe
YPFP London Summer Party and F2F Relaunch!
Security Talks - 9/11 20 years later: the ongoing global war on terror

PPNV Cohort Connect
A discussion around internship experiences, debriefing on the summer and looking ahead into the new semester!

Strategic Autonomy: What does it mean to you?
Join our Security Talks discussion group on ‘Strategic Autonomy: What does it mean to you?’ on Monday 2 August at 19:00 CEST (1:00pm EST).
The development of European “strategic autonomy” has been of great debate for many years now and the dynamic shifts in the international system have again brought this discussion to light.
This discussion group will explore the meaning of a strategic autonomy, what it means to the discussants and the differing perspectives that they bring to the table, as well as the current challenges that the EU faces when attempting to become more autonomous on an international level. We will share thoughts regarding all the controversies and inner workings of a European strategic autonomy.
If you have any questions, please contact Louis Bout at louis.bout@ypfp.org
Register using this link!

PPNV Fireside Chat with Secretary Condoleezza Rice
PPNV Fellows are invited to join this special discussion with former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice — where we will cover a range of relevant topics from exploring policy careers across sectors to the growing diversity seen over time within public service.

PPNV Policy Panel: Universal Broadband
Join us for a policy panel discussion around the important topic of universal broadband! Access to the internet in the 21st century is akin to having access to public utilities like water and electricity -- yet there is massive inequality when it comes to uniformly ensuring availability for all Americans. People of color, older individuals, and those in rural areas are more likely to be without consistent and secure internet access, and these disparities are only exacerbated by the cost barriers that make it more difficult for these groups to purchase high-speed internet. As one of the leading national players in telecommunications, we are joined by four panelists from AT&T to weigh in on this timely discussion.

UN Series: Climate Negotiations for COP26 (with UNFCCC)
YPFP Brussels would like to invite you to our UN Series to discuss the negotiations for international environmental agreements with a special focus on the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference (COP26).
A speaker from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will shed light on the history of the organisation, stages of negotiations that lead (un)successful climate agreements, and discuss how young professionals and foreign policy leaders can work together for better outcomes in climate negotiations.
As a young professional in foreign policy, you can expect to discuss the best practices for young professionals interested in a career in climate diplomacy. You will have the opportunity to engage with the speaker in a Q&A session.
The event will take place via Zoom and will be moderated under the Chatham House Rule.
Zoom link will follow after registration. For more details please contact Moritz Zimmermann, Programmes Officer.

Why the EU Should(n't) Accede to the European Convention on Human Rights?
Is it still desirable for the EU to accede to the Convention? How does the current situation align with the Lisbon Treaty? This panel-discussion with professionals from within the field will discuss the ongoing negotiations and tackle the pressing question: Why is the accession still relevant today and what will be the impact on issues such as the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination in the EU?