US-China Futures

Shaping the Next Decade of US-China Policy


As competition with China intensifies, the most promising emerging leaders across sectors will be called upon to develop and execute U.S. responses, make subtle and informed judgments, and respond to international crises.

To seed and support the next generation of China-focused geopolitical strategists, Globally launched a dynamic and highly engaged cohort of emerging and mid-career leaders in the US working on China across sectors.

The US-China Futures program identified rising leaders across academia, government, industry, and technology on issues related to US-China competition and built a cohort that works together to shape the next decade of the world’s most important bilateral relationship.

Policy Impact

The Cohort was segmented into seven working groups:

  1. American Leadership

  2. Healthcare and the Bioeconomy

  3. Economic Interdependence and Supply Chain Complexities

  4. Geopolitical Competition and International Institutions

  5. Military-Civil Fusion and Defense Competition

  6. Next-Generation Communication

  7. Technology Governance


The Pilot USCF Cohort

  • 83 Early to Mid-Career professionals were identified through a highly-selective nomination process

  • Participants engaged in 52 events that convened senior leaders, subject matter experts, and USCF partners

  • Developed a briefing book with policy recommendations for each working group theme

  • Hosted a virtual summit where participants presented their group’s findings and recommendations to senior policymakers, business leaders, and scholars


Professional Development

Elevating Emerging Experts’ Voices

USCF provided participants with a series of roundtable discussions where cohort members could present their ideas, have open discussion, and ask questions of other cohort members.

Mentoring the Next Generation of Leaders

Each working group was advised and mentored by two senior leaders in the field of US-China policy. Throughout the program, fourteen mentors supported USCF participants’ personal and professional growth.

US-China Futures Outputs

The USCF program compiled the contributions from multi-month working groups to formulate a briefing book for U.S policymakers.

Each working group presented its assessment and recommendations at a virtual summit in March 2021.

Participants also submitted a 2-page memorandum outlining one recommended policy or action that the Biden Administration should take to enhance America’s strategic competitiveness with respect to China. Selected authors had the opportunity to brief a senior Biden policy official on the proposed recommendation.